Tanya T.
I was previously taking Sea Moss gel, but these gummies give me an accurate and consistent daily dose, which I love and appreciate! Sea Moss from a Black women owned business? YES PLEASE!!! It’s a WIN-WIN!!! Thank you Black Girl Vitamins!!!
Precious J.
I feel better after taking these vitamins. I'm not as tired or sluggish
Shelly E.
I love the taste and I love that I feel good!!!
I love the sea moss gummies and the once a day. This particular shipment of vitamin D3 was wet and mushy. I am not sure what happened, they definitely have a different texture from the last batch.
I have taken the gummies for 2 weeks and I feel lots more energy
Riva S.
I purchased the Probiotic, One-A Day, D3 & Sea Moss. The taste is great. I alternate the One-A-Day and Sea Moss daily combine with The Probiotics & D3 due to the high number of ingredients in them both. I wasn't sure if I should take them both daily. I previously was taking Apple Cider & Elderberry along with my Probiotics & One-A-Day. (Would like to add them back to my regime, unsure if I should or if I need to - I welcome ALL suggestions) It's only been 2 weeks since I started. & I believe you need to be taking them 3 months before you can feel the effects. (Correct me if I'm wrong!) But I do have another order in route so I have begin the Black Girl Vitamins Journey.. And I'm EXCITED #Clara Arena Brawner, M.D #Gwendolyn Brooks
#Maya Angelou
#Dr. Standifer-Barrett
#Dr. C Nicole Swiner
#Dr. Chinyere Okpaleke
#BlackGIRl #BlackWOMEN #BlackQueen #BlackFemaleBUSINESSOWNER
Tandrea R.
These vitamins have been a lifesaver. From the great taste to improvements of health. Ordering my new vitamins now.
Tiffany C.
I have to remember these are good for me and not candy! They are great tasting and makes me want to keep up on them.
Brandy C.
These are from amazon. They look nothing like probiotics on BGV website. They literally look like DOTS the old school candy. The flavor, labels and ingredient list aren't the same either. If this is authentic and I am mistaken BGV please let me know. Thanks
Darnette B.
I love the probiotics gummies!
Octavia J.
I love the gummies. They are very good for me and my immune system. I can take them at anytime of the day.
Like the gummies knowing that I’m getting my daily dose of sea moss. Feel great !
Brenda R.
Delivery was great and the gummy’s taste great.
Nia H.
Love the taste and option as a gummy or capsule.
These are great!!!
April B.
Best Sea Moss gummies on the market!
I am now recommending these vitamins to all the women I know they definitely work and give me the energy I need! Will be ordering again
Just started taking these for the 1st time. I love the texture of these vitamins.
Angela J.
I am enjoying the vitamins I do see a chang in my appetite my nails are growing I have more energy and overall I just feel good
Thank you
Debra A.
I love the vitamins. Thank you!
Dianne H.
These fabulous vitamins are the first vitamin to actually work. I have found a gem.
Jackie M.
Awesome like I they make me feel. I would definitely recommend
Dorene H.
I love these the fact that they are gummies and taste so good!
Marin H.
Great taste! I love the effects of the vitamins! Very easy to remember to take them daily!
Fatima C.
love the way they taste
Angela W.
Love that sea moss gummies
Sherri D.
I love the ease of them being gummies.
Carmen M.
I've been on these gummies for about two weeks. I love that they're not sickly sweet, but tasty. Easy to digest, and Ican tell the difference in energy increase and fewer pain issues w arthritis.
Lynda B.
I have more energy since taking the sea moss capsules (first time), gummies (now).
I love them!! They taste amazing and I enjoy taking them every day. Will be ordering again!
I wish the vitamins come in other flavors.
Lou W.
I have much more energy than usual. I love them.
Joycelyn L.
Love them I like t better than the oral sea moss.
So far, the product seems good. I will report back in a few months after a visit to the doctor.
Danielle D.
I love the Sea Moss Vitamins!
Sonya G.
Love the Sea Moss Gummies
Kim Q.
I never knew sea moss could be made into a gummy vitamin and has a great taste. I have more energy, my joints do not ache, and I do feel a difference if I miss taking any of my black girl vitamins. Thank you for creating vitamins for us. Please do not sell your company.
Valerie T.
I’m loving this product. I shared it on social media.
I’ll order more! Thank you!
I’ve only been taking them for apps 2 weeks, but I love the taste.
I love my BGV. This is my second d order and I recommend anyone that is trying to feel healthy start taking them. I enjoy taking my vitamins daily due to them all being gummies.
April B.
Not only are the Sea Moss vitamins delicious but they give me the necessary boost of energy I need for the rest of the day!
Shalene H.
These have a great taste. Very impressed with these.
Jo A.
Haven’t been able to tell the difference between the regular sea moss capsules and gummies at this time. Def no changes in appetite and i haven’t been as consistent with the gummies. Still working on first bottle.
I've been taking them for a week. So far I can only say that they taste good. These are some tasty gummies.
Keesha P.
I love the taste and the texture of the gummie, I just started taking them so I can not say how they are making me feel at the moment
Jamesia S.
I felt different after the first dose. More energy.
Shannon P.
I could tell the difference in a week. I had my energy.
Claire E.
I feel great. I just started it but I feel the difference
Courtney T.
So far this has been really helpful. K have a degenerative liver disease that causes fatigue. Thus has been extremely helpful in combating that.
Ruby G.
They taste great. I am taking the Sea Moss because I have thyroid issues. I am hoping the Sea Moss will help my health issues.
Paulleatha B.
I have never looked forward to taking any type of supplements until now! Great taste and excellent results so far.
Angela B.
I’m in love with my BGV’s. I am on my 4th bottle of Seamoss and love the benefits. I will be ordering more very soon!
Roberta A.
i truly enjoy this product . i have been taking sea moss for some time and i am happy to use your products
Elissha M.
Time to order more! I’ve seen a big difference in my energy!
Jeanine M.
The product is excellent thus far.
Nicole M.
Awesome vitamins
Love my sea moss gummies
Lekeeta C.
I love the Sea Moss gummies
Valeria K.
Love these vitamins
So far okay but have to wait till it’s been a month or longer…..
Pretty good not a bad taste I can feel a difference
Lillian D.
I love all of my BGV gummies. They make me feel better and as a bonus, they taste great!!!!
Erika M.
Taste good easy to chew
Cecily K.
He energy is amazing!
Carmen M.
After using for several days, I noticed my energy level was higher, and my joints were not as painful. The gummies are easy to digest, not sugary sweet and a perfect size. I just placed another order for both my daughter and myself. I highly recommend the sea moss gummies.
This is my first time purchasing the products. I started a few of them immediately, so that way I can see what a difference I will notice in 15 days or so. My body is sensitive, so I couldn't start them all at once just in case. I should have ordered the sugar-free, not a big sweet person, so when I do my next order I will make sure to select it. I will do a more thorough review in March!
Tiffanie J.
I keep my sea moss gummies with me all day to make sure I don’t have to go without it! It works without any stress and they taste yummy!
Sharriette F.
I like the Sea Moss even more than the Probiotics. Glad I purchased a three month supply.
Miracle C.
These have improved my energy so much and they taste amazing!!!
Keyahda S.
I love taking black girl vitamins! They give me the energy that I need to make it through the day.
Faith M.
They taste amazing ! I love these gummies
Stephanie C.
I have enjoyed taking the sea moss vitamins daily. My energy seems to have increased and I can tell my digestive health is better.
April B.
I must admit I was skeptical about the Sea Moss gummies because I have tried several brands that did nothing. However these gummies actually gave me a bit of energy, and I can I was regulating my hyperthyroidism because the "double chin" look was disappearing...LOL! I will definitely purchase again!
Natalie R.
Nice taste and order delivered in a timely manner.
Chianti H.
Repeat customer; love these vitamins
Teresa A.
probably good but too much for my digestive system to tolerate
Doreene H.
It’s still too soon to tell if there is a difference.
Sheila D.
Love that’s it’s a gummy instead of a capsule which is hard to swallow
Amora A.
I love the sea moss gummies almost gone already. Since taking them I have been going to the bathroom regularly now which is good for overall health. Thank you Black Girl vitamins.
Dawn G.
Love the taste of the gummies
Jeanette J.
Taste great & makes me feel great.
Devon M.
Love the product!
Kenyada L.
I love the Sea Moss give me so much energy though the day an the Collagen awesome
Lolita M.
I love your product!
Sharon P.
I have a lot more energy!!
Lamonda S.
Love love love black girl vitamins new to the sea moss not even sure if it's working for me but it is definitely too early to tell, because i only been taking them a short amount of time.