Health is Wealth: 5 Soul Foods for Better Health this Holiday

The holiday season can be a whirlwind of chaos, with social obligations, travel plans, and endless shopping. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget about taking care of ourselves. This is why, at the end of the holidays, we are often unprepared to return to work and often seek more time to genuinely rest. But hey, remember that "the first wealth is health"! As Dorthy Day wisely said, "Food for the body is not enough, there must be food for the soul." So, let's dive into some tips to nourish your body and soul this holiday season and ensure you return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Stay active, Stay Healthy

The holiday season often makes us less active and as a result, indulge in unhealthy habits. Physical activity is like SOUL FOOD for your body. To stay active during the holiday season, you can try incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine. This can include going for a walk, jogging, pilates, cycling, swimming, yoga, or other stretching exercises. Likewise, try to engage in fun outdoor activities with family and friends, such as ice skating. Remember to stay hydrated and eat healthy meals to keep your energy levels up. To stay energized through these activities, take the BGV Energy bundle. The BGV Bundle consists of iron, vitamins B12, D3, and Iron, which together offer a comprehensive solution to combat fatigue, boost energy levels, and promote vitality.

Sleep is the Secret Sauce

Good sleep is another SOUL FOOD for good health. Getting enough sleep during the holidays could prove tricky, but it is vital for your physical and mental health. To get quality sleep, keep to regular wake-up and bedtime schedules, including on weekends. Avoid late-night stimulants such as caffeine, as well as overeating and drinking. Get some natural light outside to help keep your body clock on track. Also, maintain a peaceful, dark, and cool sleeping environment. To improve restful sleep, a daily intake of BGV vitamin D3 would do the trick. While reducing chronic fatigue, improving heart function, and boosting immunity, the BGV vitamin D3 will help promote better sleep. 

Make Meal Plan

Food is very important and during the holiday season, meal planning can be a game-changer when it comes to improving health and reducing stress. Take some time to create a meal plan that includes wholesome and balanced options. This way, you can avoid last-minute unhealthy food choices, stay on track with your health goals, feel more in control of your diet, reduce decision fatigue, and have more mental space to focus on other aspects of your life. It's a simple yet effective way to prioritize your health and well-being. 

Food is good, however, to improve digestion and your overall gut health, do not forget to incorporate the BGV Gut Health Essentials, as a part of your daily routine. The infusion of the BGV Probiotic and Organic Sea Moss has proven to support digestion and help eliminate toxins that build up in the body, to Stop feeling bloated and uncomfortable, and to feed good bacteria into your gut while boosting your immune system. This essential bundle is like soul food for your long-term gut health, especially this holiday. 

Fill Your Cup First

The holiday season is a time of joy, love, and giving. However, we can get easily stressed and exhausted when looking out for everyone else, thereby ignoring one's personal needs. Our bodies are like engines that need the necessary care so it doesn’t break down. The human body will reciprocate what it is given, so remember to prioritize rest. It's easy to get caught up in the holiday frenzy, however, try to make up time for resting and relaxation. Schedule some downtime for yourself, whether it's curling up with a good book, taking a bubble bath, or simply enjoying a peaceful walk in nature. To do this, you can also consider early bedtime to wake up early and prioritize your mornings to do something you enjoy. 

 You should also integrate the BGV Beauty Bundle into your daily routine. This bundle comprises the BGV Hair, Skin, & Nails, Collagen Peptides, and  Vitamin D3 that will help Reduce stress, improve clearer skin, and reduce joint pain. If you already have the energy bundle you should opt for the BGV Hair, Skin, & Nails and Collagen Peptides. Your body and soul will thank you. Remember that the gift of good health is, in fact, the best gift you can give to your loved ones and yourself this holiday season.

Practice Gratitude

Lastly, take time each day to appreciate the little things in life. This holiday, spend time with family and friends and take time to appreciate the people in your life. While expressing your gratitude to others, you should acknowledge yourself. You can list motivational quotes and affirmations for yourself that you can say to yourself to keep you motivated. Engage in hobbies, and creative activities; see “Art Therapy". This activity will help cultivate a positive mindset and bring a sense of contentment to your life. Also, prioritize your health with the BGV Once a Day Tablets. This supplement has over 30 vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E, Thiamin, Biotin, Niacin, riboflavin, Folate, Choline, Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Potassium, Inositol, PABA, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Betaine, Rutin Powder and others.

Incorporate these tips into your daily routine this holiday. With supplements from Black Girl Vitamins, you can make life endlessly delicious. Remember, your health is your greatest wealth. So my dear black women, to quote Jules Robson, this holiday, “Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle”, and let’s make this holiday season a time of rejuvenation, connection, and self-care. Cheers to a healthier and happier you!

Ganiyat Adeniji for Black Girl Vitamins

Reviewed by Bryanne N. Standifer-Barrett, MD