The Best Sea Moss Drink Recipe for Hair Growth

A sea moss drink might sound like the latest Starbucks creation, but it’s actually a
superfood elixir that’s been around for centuries. Caribbean communities have long
used sea moss to make sea moss punch, a rich and creamy beverage that’s still
enjoyed today. But beyond flavor, these special drinks are touted for their nutrition,
especially when it comes to hair health. If you want longer, stronger hair , a homemade
sea moss drink might be your new go-to.

What is Sea Moss?

Commonly found in the Caribbean, North America, and Europe, sea moss is type of red
seaweed believed to be harbor many health benefits, from combating acne to improving energy. Even better, you can enjoy sea moss however you like — in smoothies, in soups, or even as a healthy snack!

What Are the Health Benefits of Sea Moss?

Sea moss is a big deal in the health space, and for good reason. This coveted red algae
is chock full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support hair growth and overall
wellness, including:

Vitamin B2

Each of these supports important functions in the body, from improving thyroid function to facilitating cellular repair. But they also play a major role in improving your hair health, helping to nourish and protect your strands for better length retention.

How Sea Moss Can Help with Hair Growth

Sea moss is packed with nutrients that support hair growth starting from the scalp. Take a look at why sea moss is a powerhouse of nutrition for your mane:


A.k.a Vitamin B7, biotin plays a major role in keratin production, the protein that our hair is made of. It helps to strengthen strands, prevent breakage, and encourage resiliency — all of which are vital for retaining length.


Antioxidants work to protect your hair from damage caused by things like pollution, heat styling, and everyday wear and tear, which can lead to thinning and breakage. Some of the key antioxidants that support hair growth include:

Vitamin A - Encourages sebum production which keeps the scalp moisturized,
preventing flaking

Vitamin E - Improves scalp circulation, aiding hair growth

Zinc - Promotes a healthy growth environment on the scalp by regulating oil production
and facilitating tissue repair

Sulfur - Supports keratin production, which helps strengthen the hair structure to
combat breakage

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Retains moisture for a healthier, moisturized scalp free from

Hydrating Compounds

To grow happy, healthy hair , you need moisture. When your strands are too dry, they
tend to lose elasticity, weaken, and eventually break off. This breakage can really put a
wrench in your growth progress, and even set you back in some cases.

Keeping your hair hydrated is of utmost importance if you’re trying to grow it out. And
fortunately, sea moss contains plenty of hydrating compounds like carageenan, amino
acids, or sulfur to help you supercharge your growth journey.

Is It Safe?

According to a research study, four grams of sea moss is generally safe for the average
person to consume daily. However, overconsumption can cause some side effects, such as digestive problems, iodine overload, or allergic reactions.

While sea moss is rich in nutrients, research on how well the human body can absorb
them from consuming it is still limited.

Though more studies are needed to confirm their claims, many people swear by sea
moss for everything from hair growth to length retention.

Health Tip: Sea moss is high in iodine, which could directly interfere with thyroid
hormone production in some individuals. Due to this risk, if you have a thyroid condition
or any other pre-existing condition, consult with a doctor to decide if sea moss is right
for you.

The Best Sea Moss Drink Recipe for Hair Growth

Making a sea moss drink is easy. Even better, you probably already have most of the ingredients in your kitchen! To make sea moss punch, here’s what you’ll need:

• 1 cup dried sea moss
• Water (for soaking)
• 1 cup evaporated milk
• 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk (adjust to taste)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Soak the sea moss in a large container filled with water for 24 hours until it softens and
Drain the excess liquid and transfer the soaked sea moss to a blender. Blend until it
forms a gel-like consistency.
Remove a portion of the gel, leaving about ⅓ to ½ cup in the blender for your sea moss
drink. Store the remainder in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.
Add the remaining ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth, tasting and
adjusting as needed.
Chill and enjoy!


Health Benefits of Sea Moss | WebMD
8 Potential Health Benefits of Sea Moss | Cleveland Clinic
Sea Moss: What Are the Benefits and Side Effects? | Verywell Health
Risk assessment of iodine intake from the consumption of red seaweeds (Palmaria
palmata and Chondrus crispus) | National Library of Medicine
Sea moss punch: The Caribbean’s cooling, healthy elixir for summer| BBC
Sea Moss Drink (Irish moss Drink) | That Girl Cooks Healthy